
R for SAS and SPSS Users [zz]

资料 王杭州 3094浏览 0评论 [编辑]
Topic SAS Product SPSS Product R Package
Advanced Models
SAS/STAT IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics R, MASS, many others
Association Analysis Enterprise Miner IBM SPSS Association arules, arulesNBMiner, arulesSequences
Basics Base SAS IBM SPSS Statistics Base R
Bootstrapping SAS/STAT IBM SPSS Bootstrapping BootCL, BootPR, boot, bootRes, BootStepAIC, bootspecdens, bootstrap, FRB, gPdtest, meboot, multtest, pvclust, rqmcmb2, scaleboot, simpleboot
Classification Analysis Enterprise Miner IBM SPSS Classification rattle, see the neural networks and trees entries in this table.
Conjoint Analysis
SAS/STAT: PROC TRANSREG IBM SPSSConjoint homals, psychoR, bayesm
Correspondence Analysis
SAS/STAT: PROC CORRESP IBM SPSSCategories ade4, cocorresp, FactoMineR, homals, made4, MASS, psychoR, PTAk, vegan
Custom Tables
Base SAS, PROC REPORT, PROC SQL, PROC TABULATE, Enterprise Reporter IBM SPSSCustom Tables reshape
Data Access
SAS/ACCESS SPSS Data Access Pack DBI, foreign, Hmisc: sas.get, sasxport.get, RODBC
Data Collection SAS/FSP IBM SPSS Data Collection Family RSQLite, and the other open source programs MySQL or PostgreSQL are popular among R users for this purpose.
Data Mining
Enterprise Miner IBM SPSSModeler
(formerly Clementine)
arules, FactoMineR, rattle, various functions
Data Mining, In-database Processing SAS In-Database Initiative with Teradata IBM SPSS Modeler PL/R
Data Preparation
Various procedures IBM SPSS Data Preparation, various commands dprep, plyr, reshape, sqldf, various functions
Developer Tools SAS/AF, SAS/FSP, SAS Integration Technologies, SAS/TOOLKIT IBM SPSS Statistics Developer, IBM SPSS Statistics Programmability Extension StatET, R links to most popular compilers, scripting languages, and databases.
Direct Marketing Nothing quite like it IBM SPSS Direct Marketing Nothing quite like it
Exact Tests
SAS/STAT various IBM SPSS Exact Tests coin, elrm, exactLoglinTest, exactmaxsel, and options in many others
Excel Integration SAS Enterprise BI Server IBM SPSS Advantage for Excel 2007 RExcel
SAS/ETS IBM SPSS Forecasting Over 40 packages that do time series are described at the Task View link above under Time Series.
Forecasting, Automated
Forecast Server IBM SPSS Forecasting forecast
Genetics JMP Genomics None http://www.bioconductor.org
Geographic Information Systems
SAS/GIS, SAS/GRAPH None (Maps is defunct) maps, mapdata, mapproj, GRASS via spgrass6, RColorBrewer, see Spatial in Task Views at link at top
Graphical user interfaces
Enterprise Guide, IML Studio, SAS/ASSIST, Analyst, Insight IBM SPSS Statistics Base Deducer, JGR, R Commander, pmg, rattle, many others at http://www.sciviews.org/_rgui/
Graphics, Interactive
SAS/IML Studio, SAS/INSIGHT, JMP None GGobi via rggobi, iPlots, latticist, playwith
Graphics, Static
SAS/GRAPH SPSS Base, Graphics Production Language ggplot2, gplots, graphics, grid, gridBase, hexbin, lattice, plotrix, scatterplot3d, vcd, vioplot, geneplotter, Rgraphics
Graphics, Template Builder Doesn’t use Grammar of Graphics model that forms the core of IBM SPSS Viz Designer or R’s ggplot2 IBM SPSS Viz Designer Doesn’t use templates, but this GUI for ggplot2http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~jeroen/ggplot2.htmlworks similarly to IBM SPSS Viz Designer.
Guided Analytics
SAS/LAB None None
Matrix/linear Algebra
SAS/IML Studio IBM SPSS Matrix R, matlab, Matrix, sparseM
Missing Values Imputation
SAS/STAT: PROC MI IBM SPSSMissing Values amelia, Hmisc: aregImpute, EMV, rms (replaces Design): fit.mult.impute, mice, mitools, mvnmle, VIM
Neural Networks Enterprise Miner IBM SPSSNeural Networks AMORE, grnnR, neuralnet, nnet, rattle
Operations Research
SAS/OR None glpk, linprog, LowRankQP, TSP
Power Analysis
SAS Power and Sample Size Application, SAS/STAT:
SamplePower asypow, powerpkg, pwr, MBESS
Quality Control
SAS/QC IBM SPSS Statistics Base qcc, spc
Regression Models
SAS/STAT IBM SPSSRegression R, Hmisc, lasso, VGAM, pda, rms (replaces Design)
Sampling, Complex
SAS/STAT: PROC SURVEY SELECT, SURVEYMEANS, etc. IBM SPSSComplex Samples pps, sampfling, sampling, spsurvey, survey
Segmentation Analysis Enterprise Miner IBM Modeler Segmentation cluster, rattle, som, see CRAN Task Viewsunder Cluster for over 70 packages
Server Version SAS for your particular server IBM SPSS Statistics Server,
IBM SPSS Modeler Server
rapache, R(D)COM Server, Rserve, StatET
Structural Equation Modeling
Text Analysis/Mining
Text Miner IBM SPSS Text Analytics,
IBM SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys
Rstem, las, tm
Trees, Decision, Classification or Regression
Enterprise Miner IBM SPSSDecision Trees, IBM SPSS AnswerTree, IBM SPSS Modeler (formerly Clementine) ada, adabag, BayesTree, boost, GAMboost, gbev, gbm, maptree, mboost, mvpart, party, pinktoe,
quantregForest, rpart,rpart.permutation, randomForest, rattle, tree


From http://decisionstats.com/2010/01/20/r-for-stats-forever/


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